• help@givetaxfree.org

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John Henry Fleischmann, born January 4, 1965, was taken unexpectedly from his wife of 30 years.  He was a proud and devoted husband, father, grandpa, brother, and loyal friend to so many people.  He touched so many lives.  With his humor and sarcasm, there was never a dull moment.  John was never judgmental, and would give you his last dime without question.  He was a true and loyal friend, who even when he was thrown the greatest challenges, never gave up on himself or his family.  He found a way to pull through for everyone when they needed it most.  Now is time for everyone to show him and Becky how much they meant to them. The generosity and unselfishness that has always come naturally from a couple with so many of their own obstacles needs to be recognized by the many lives they touched over the years.  Please, help let us celebrate his life like he deserves.  Thank you for any donations and I will update with any and all details and updates.  thank you again.


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