• help@givetaxfree.org

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Never in a million years did I ever think this would be something that I would be posting. (and tbh I was encouraged to do this by some special people in my life) After months of appointments and tests we were very hopeful for some sort of answers at least – unfortunately we have no answers!! To try to make a long story short: Ron has been suffering from some sort of unknown neuromuscular disorder. This started in 2019 and has been been bothering him on an intermittent basis. The disorder has worsened over the past year and most recently over the last 2-3 months to the point that he is now unable to work. We are trying to get him treatment at the Cleveland Clinic. We have been jumping over so many hurdles. It just seems as if lately we take one step forward and three steps backwards. Unfortunately all of these tests have become very costly and Ron is currently not receiving any income or disability so this has taken its toll on our family and financial situation. We would never typically ask but if we are not able to continue to move forward with the necessary tests I am fearful of what the outcome may be. If anyone can find it in their hearts to donate anything at all to help with his treatment it would be greatly appreciated. We have not previously shared this horrible illness as we do not have a diagnosis and we have been praying he would get better but unfortunately this has not happened. If you would also please pray. Pray for healing. Miracles. Answers. Thank you and God Bless…🙏💕 Sandi


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