I am 55 years old, and I have worked 1-3 jobs at one time since I was 15 years old. I have always paid my way and ensured good health coverage. I found out 16 years ago I have autoimmune conditions, and now I am up to 9 of them, which they attack my good and bad cells. I recently found out my 17-year-old has autoimmune conditions as well. I have had numerous surgeries and medications, and the amount my insurance has not covered is incredibly high. I did a chapter 13 bankruptcy 5 years ago to pay my debt over the 5 years. Unfortunately, this year my daughter and I had hospitalizations that caused high out of pocket the insurance didn’t cover. My daughter was hospitalized in CHKD on Jan 2 last year before I met my high deductible, causing $6,000 out of pocket. I had three surgeries this year and died twice on the table. My insurance approved me for surgery, but an emergency caused me to have to be closed up on the table and sent to ICU. Several days later, I was sent back to the surgery to finish the aborted surgery, but after four appeals, the insurance denied the second surgery, saying it was not approved. I have exhausted all of my appeals and need to retain a lawyer if I pursue this, which also costs money. Right now, we have $20,000 in medical debt in collections, and daily calls, making my autoimmune symptoms really bad from the stress. I also owe over $100,000 in student loans, and my daughter is about to graduate high school and start community college in the fall. I feel so helpless and need some help. Please, if you can help, I would be eternally grateful.