I find myself burdened by medical bills. They seem to become like a hurricane. I received a call from the office that is handling a brace for my Drop Foot. I can’t walk unaided. Drop foot is a condition that, for me, originates in the lower lumbar area. The result is an inability to move my left foot and ankle. The brace will help stop the constant tripping and falling and help me be more mobile. At present, I am unable to function without my walker. The cost for the custom-made brace, after Medical insurance, is $1000. Yet another doctor informed me that they could not proceed with treatment without a deposit of $1000. I am caught in medical overload. Because of more of these and more health issues, my copayments owed are now over $15000 as well! I am overwhelmed. Some of you might know that I suffer from a gastric condition that has caused me to lose 45 lbs without explanation. I currently see four specialists who seem to think I need bi-monthly blood tests, consultations, and medicine that can cost up to $400 of uncovered insurance payments. In addition to all of the above, I fell on my fairly new knee replacement in September. I was brought to the ER to be stitched up and have incurred bills because of that mishap. I am embarrassed to ask for this public handout. I don’t know what else to do. If you can help in any way, I will be forever grateful.