• help@givetaxfree.org

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This is my first time asking people for help. I am 52 years old and in Construction management. I was diagnosed with Throat  Cancer a year and a half ago. I have went through radiation and chemo so I am through the hardest part. Now its time to get my life back on track. I have had health insurance since I turned 23 However, I lost my job of 13 years 2 months before I was diagnosed. My new insurance had not kicked in so I was liable for every dime. The treatments put me in severe financial trouble and thats why I am writing this. I own a home and I am back to work. I am definitly better off than alot of people in my predicament however I could definitly use some help. I have used my savings, my retirement and my credit to get through this. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am usually someone who handles my own affairs. Thank You for reading this and if your in a situation to help, I can assure you the money is needed and will make a huge difference for me.

Best Regards



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