• help@givetaxfree.org

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My name is Marsha, my son Rob and his wife Ann are in need of prayers and financial blessings. My grandson, 27-year ARMY Sergeant Broc Kennedy, stationed in Virginia Beach, Va, is on life support from COVID!  He’s been hospitalized since before Christmas, his mother and Rob have been down there since he was admitted to ICU.   Ann has only had 1 bedside visit before he was rushed to be placed on life support and transferred to a trauma unit more capable to manage the severity of his condition.  Broc is not recovering as anticipated and a lung transplant is now being considered if his lungs do not begin to show improvement soon.  Please be praying for Broc, Ann, and the extended family that loves Broc so much. Please Consider a financial blessing to help offset the cost of Ann and her husband, as they are in Virginia trying to be a close as they can be during this time of COVID restrictions.


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