• help@givetaxfree.org

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Hi, my name is Carol and I’m raising funds to help pay my medical bills. This is my third fight with cancer in the past 20 years. First cervical cancer, breast cancer, and now my breast cancer is back. Terminal Stage 4.  My breast cancer came back during Covid 19 outbreak.  At the time of the outbreak, my cancer was contained in my left breast.  I was scheduled for the removal of my left breast 4 days after confirmation of the cancer.  Within that 4 days, the government shut down all hospitals.  No surgeries were allowed – not even for cancer.  By the time the hospitals were “allowed” to schedule my surgery, the cancer went out of my breast into my lymph nodes.  This is where the trouble began.  I thought I had beaten this beast.  Three years later the beast had returned.
Cancer is a very expensive disease. My Medicare and Advantage insurance pays for a lot of my bills – but – the amount not covered by my insurance falls back on me. My chemo alone costs over $18,000 a month and fortunately, my oncologist put me on a plan to cover this cost. I’m constantly getting calls from collectors about my past-due bills. I live on a $1600 fixed income which I was able to manage until the medical bills started coming in. My family has helped me as much as they could.
I am overwhelmed with debt and I don’t know where else to turn. Any help will be vastly appreciated. Thank you

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