• help@givetaxfree.org

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With Moe’s unexpected illness and passing, your support would be so meaningful to help Lusi and the boys as they transition into ongoing life and plan for the boys’ future.  Although Lusi is a Nurse Practitioner, she plans to take a few months off work in order to help the boys settle in and determine the next steps in her career that would allow her to work and care for the boys.  Beckham is currently in Kindergarten, Branson is in Pre-School and little Braxston is currently at home with mom.

While your support will help with the transition for Lusi and the boys, there have been significant medical expenses over the last several months.  As you know, insurance does not cover all medical expenses and there are outstanding medical expenses to resolve.

Any support that is not needed for ongoing living and medical expenses will be set up in an account to provide for the boys’ future education.  Moe valued and worked hard for his further education and would be so honored to have any support for their future education provided.

Moe will forever be remembered for his larger than life personality, the way he knew no stranger, his ability to light up a room, his huge smile and big laugh and his talent to tell a good story like no other.   We all will miss Moe and your support for Lusi and the boys will honor him.

We so appreciate all of the love and kindness you have shown during this difficult time.  Thank you all for loving Lusi and the boys so well.


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