• help@givetaxfree.org

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On May 28th 2021. My husband had a Brain Stem Stroke leaving him blind on his left eye, paralyzed on his left side and lower extremities. My husband Pete has also developed memory loss. No feeling when he needs to urinate or do a bowel movement. He was the bread winner for this household and now my income is the only one that we have. I earn less than 500.00 every two weeks since I have to care for my husband and not being able to work 40 hours a week. I also suffer from PTSD and neuropathy. Our rent is 850 a month and we have no money to pay. Someone asked me how I was doing? My answer was. I can’t feel my tears running down my cheeks.  We are desperately needing help and any donations will greatly be appreciated. Blessings to all that have a soft caring heart. Please keep us in your prayers.


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