Dad in need of assistance; girlfriend and mother of their two children moved out and his is struggling to pay the bills. He is working everyday and as much overtime as he can. The thing that broke my heart was when he asked if any of his friends could help out with food. He made the comment that he could skip meals; but wanted to make sure that the weekends that he had his son and daughter that they had enough to eat. I figured it would be of more benefit to give him the money and let him buy what he knows the children will eat. All money raised will be given to B to help buy food. If we raise more than the $1,000 he can use it toward mortgage or other bills. Thank everyone in advance for giving from the heart. I have been in his shoes and have cried myself to sleep because by the time we paid rent, power and car payment, insurance the little money that was left went toward diapers, formula and necessities for our children; there was no money left for food for us. We are giving him a hand up NOT a hand out.