• help@givetaxfree.org

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I wanted to create this donation page for a friend of mine, who is more of a second mom to me. She also just so happens to be a sweet, sweet co-worker. Her name is Ms. Deb, and her mother, Bernice, has recently passed away due to having a stroke. She was paralyzed on one side of her body and later removed from the ventilator she had been on. Ms. Deb has two jobs while taking care of her daughter and dad. Unfortunately, her dad, Andrew, is sick, and Ms. Deb is taking him to the doctor’s just about every week. I got a phone call from Ms. Deb tonight, and the lord immediately told me that he was going to provide for her. I don’t understand all the bills coming in for her, but I know what we raise will be a weight lifted off her shoulders. There is no limit to giving just whatever you feel is right. Thank you!


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