• help@givetaxfree.org

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Hi, my name is Lynn and this is for my brother Shon. He has ALS and has been battling this horrible disease for two years now. If you know anything about ALS, you know how awful it is not only for the person who has it, but on the family and friends as well. Shon is wheelchair bound and is loosing muscle mass and all coordination and function of his body daily. He has been unable to work for nearly two years. He has four children, Layla, age 13, Tyson, age 11, and twins Ayva and Bobbie age 6. Shon is needing a new furnace put in his house. He spent over $800 to have it repaired and the repair lasted three months. The heating and cooling company is now telling him the furnace it too old to repair again and it is going to cost $11,000 to replace. It is coming in to fall and the cold winter months. Shon has no muscle mass on his body due to the ALS and is in dire need of a new furnace before the cold sets in.  He has already tried to get assistance from to get this fixed to no avail. Thank you for considering to donate, Our family greatly appreciates it.

Much Love,

Lynn & Shon

Shon & his Children

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