• help@givetaxfree.org

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My name is Curtis Hagar, my wife of 37 years Judy and I have been raising our grandsons Trevor and Johnathan ( see photo) for several years now. We have been through a Kidney Transplant in 2013, Stage 4 Breast Cancer ( w/ stem cell transplant) and most recently Diagnosed Double Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm’s. Due to our medical issues we are disabled and unable to work even part-time. We have built up ALOT of debt raising the Boys. We have been forced into Chapter 7 Bankruptcy through the Davis Law Firm in Waco Tx. We have 12 grandchildren aside from the Boys and are completely destroyed financially. Our only income is SSDI in the amount of $1907 per month. We are not even able to pay our rent at Senior’s Apartments, much less the medicines we need to survive. We can’t get food stamps because of some rule about both of us being on SSDI. All I am needing help with is to file the Bankruptcy and I will find away to survive as we ALWAYS have. We REALLY APPRECIATE any and all help received. Sincerely Curtis & Judy Hagar

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