• help@givetaxfree.org

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I am a pediatric gastroenterologist and have been working with Ysabelle Street and her children for serious medical problems over the past 2 years.  In the past several months her world has completely fallen apart. Children and Family “Services”, acting on erroneous information, has with no mercy taken away her children. Her significant other and the father of her twins has totally thrown her under the bus and left her with all of his bills.  She is so completely destitute with no place to live and enormous bills including 14,000 to a feckless lawyer who did little to stop the cruel injustices that have been heaped upon her.  This is the sweetest lady now totally devastated.  I have been seeing her children for medical issues and have found her to be a wonderful mother and person. I am doing what I can but need help to perhaps get her children back and at least not have to live in her car.

I am appalled at how the “system” has victimized this amazingly sweet lady. I have gone to the courtroom on her behalf  on a couple of occasions and witnessed a merciless persecution by an arrogant social worker with an agenda and a lawyer who was of little help.  Ysabelle is a loving and caring mother whose 4 beautiful children including her 2 year old twins have been ripped from her over so many lies by people in the system.  As a witness of this travesty I want to try to be helpful to get her back on her feet.


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