• help@givetaxfree.org

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Hello, I would first like to say Thank You for taking the time to read my request of some funding for furniture.  It has been a hard road .  I am disabled and am just recovering from being homeless. I lost all of my household furniture due to not being able to afford storage for my belongings. By some miracle after 2 years of being homeless, I found an affordable apartment. I have furnished part of it through donations which I am so grateful for.  What I am in need of is living room furniture. I have searched and searched for donated furniture for this room and looked at thrift stores.  Sadly, I simply just cannot afford it and even though there are many generous people who have donated their furniture,  I have searched and searched and haven’t found anything I can use. I am looking to ask for a small amount to purchase good clean furniture. I am working so hard to put my life back on track and I believe this starts at the Home. Any contribution to help with this is greatfully appreciated and would help me to continue moving forward in re-establishing my life. God Bless and Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

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