• help@givetaxfree.org

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Rhonda passed away suddenly Sunday, April 23, 2023 at the age of 30 due to cardiac arrest. She was a single mother and leaves behind 3 children, Bobby age 12, Jaxson age 6 and Isabella age 5. Rhonda was loved by many and as we all try to understand how this could happen to someone so young, we are asking for donations to help with Rhonda’s Furneral Expenses. Rhonda was an amazing women, she loved her family and had a huge heart! Our world is much dimmer with out her. Our family has suffered a lot of loss and extreme heartbreak over the last 3 years and this was a loss we never could have prepard for. Please lift our family up in your prayers and thoughts. If you have pictures of Rhonda please share them. We are getting everything set up and will post infomation we have. Please be patient with us as our hearts are completley crushed.

Thank You for your thoughts and prayers.

” It took an instant to loose you, and it will take my entire LIFETIME to grieve the loss of you. Greif never ends because love never ends. I will LOVE you, and ache for you until my very last breath!”



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