• help@givetaxfree.org

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On August 2021 my wife began infusion treatments to build up her immune system. The infusions were ordered by Dr. Mossell, Rheumatologist who said this would be her best option to get her healthy. My wife has auto-immune disease. This is a very expensive procedure, and everything got insurance approval before each infusion. The insurance company began payment. Everything is moving along great. My wife’s health was improving. Dr. Mossell was happy with the results of the infusions. Each infusion cost $29000.00 and some change.  Out of the blue the insurance company deemed the infusions not medically necessary based on a panel of doctors on the insurance companies’ payroll. The insurance company retracted payment on the claims they already paid. Now the hospital and doctor are telling us we owe $168,447.67. We have sent in multiple appeals on the claims with nothing changing. In short, the insurance company does not want to pay out on such a huge amount. As of now the hospital wants to turn this over to a collection agency. My wife is a RN nurse who is employed at this hospital, so they are trying to help us, but time is running out. Thanks for listening. OK, I’m being told I need two hundred fifty words to finish this campaign. I’m not good at typing. It wasn’t required when I went through school back in the 70’s. As I said earlier my wife is a RN nurse myself am a farmer. We have two children and four great grandchildren. We have had medical bills since the day our first child was born and have paid everything off, but I have no idea how we can pay for this. I want to retire next year. My health is not the best in the world. I’m looking at a second neck surgery to fix numbness in my left arm.


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