• help@givetaxfree.org

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My name is Diana Newman. My family and I are presently facing some major crisis. My dad is in the hospital/rehabilitation in Florida fighting a malignant cancer in his kidney, etc. My husband works in maintenance at a high school academy, even though he specializes in IT, management and project management. I teach music and work in home/health in our local area. We and our 3 children live in North Carolina. Unfortunately, due to the massive cost of housing in the area where we have employment and a terrible mold issue in the apartment we lived in, we were asked to move out of our home by our landlord, this past June.
Presently, we are homeless and living in a hotel room. We have 3 children that we are trying to get into college/medical school this August. One just graduated from high school and is working very hard this summer to raise money for school but is still coming short of the cost. The other has been struggling with some massive health issues (terrible headaches, etc.) and is in need of funding for medical help (MRI, blood test, brain scans and treatments) as well as funding for college. The third is working hard in preparation to go to med-school, and desperately need help to meet all the expenses for med-school.
We do appreciate any that is willing and able to help. Every bit or much means a lot and makes a difference. Also, if it is possible please share this with everyone you know may be able and willing to help us.
Thank you so much,
Diana Newman and Family


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