• help@givetaxfree.org

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My name is Joseph Larner.
I’m on here asking for help due to an upcoming emergency. I have open heart surgery coming. My wife just had arm surgery and has complications.
I need a double bypass. Me and my wife recently lost everything we had. We have had to start to rebuild and need help to not lose what little we’ve gotten again when I go in for surgery. My wife also is had surgery on her arm for the third time. My surgery date is August 12th.
When we go in, we will be there for a week and then need two to three months of recuperation where I can’t work. I am currently renting a room for $175.00 a week and have a $250.00 car payment biweekly. Plus car insurance of $130.00 monthly and a cell phone I need of $80.00
I am on a health insurance plan where it discounts, not makes free, medication and doctors treatments. When I am discharged, I will also need my recovery medications.
We had a house and I a career in Nebraska but due to circumstances lost everything. I have a job now and a car that I CANNOT afford to lose. I know there are government agencies that help in some instances but they will tell me to lose my car and take a bus or cabs. And most of the ones I called require children to be in the household. Since we are 43 (me) and 32 (her) with no kids, we don’t qualify for anything. I looked extensively.
All I am asking for is help to pay for our room, car and insurance, cell phone and meds until I get back on my feet. We don’t smoke or drink or do any drugs and I want to work. I just won’t be able to for a while. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks and have a great day!

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